Bertha Kalm奖学金获得者2022-2023

Congratulations to the 伯莎·卡尔姆奖学金 recipients of 2022-2023! 我们问他们 是什么驱动着他们的激情去创造不同. 阅读他们鼓舞人心的回应.

   收件人                                     响应


黄卓奎(爱丽丝) 她/

M.S. 语言语音病理学


"My passion to make a difference stems from my heart to serve other people. 日益增长的 up as a first-generation, low-income bilingual immigrant, I struggled to find my voice due to feeling ashamed of my accent and limited English vocabulary. 然而,我是 always surrounded by great support and love from my family, friends, and educators, 是什么让我在挣扎中成长. 凭着我的毅力,我鞭策着自己 to be where I am today as a speech-language pathology graduate student to help individuals with cultural, linguistic, and neurological diverse backgrounds to find their voices. As a future speech-language pathologist, I hope to make a positive impact on people's lives by empowering members of low-income, marginalized communities who are often underrepresented, underdiagnosed, and underserved, advocating for bilingualism and neurodiversity, and educating other members of society to support those with diverse backgrounds/communication needs as they grow their voices through speech-language 治疗."

samantha sitting on a bench with a flower shirt and smiling


M.S. 临床健康咨询


"I grew up in a small town in the Central Valley of California, a mostly rural and 社会经济不景气的环境. 我来自移民家庭,会说西班牙语 family, and am part of the first generation of my family to be born in the United 州. In my family and community, I have repeatedly seen the effects of a lack of mental health awareness, some of which can be long-term and debilitating. 经历 and observing this lack of mental health support has inspired me to bridge the gap between mental health services and minority communities. 在与人合作时,我 want to see all parts of my clients — their gender, culture, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexual identity and more — to truly understand their context and tailor the 我为他们提供的支持. My goal is to support the people pushed to society’s corners 让他们成为我办公室的中心."


基南Guillas (他/他)

M.S. 海洋科学


"Our window of opportunity to address the climate emergency has narrowed substantially, yet the science required to develop and implement the necessary solutions and policies 已经存在多年了. The current gap is not a gap in scientific understanding but a lack of understanding and cooperation between the scientific and political communities 在现有的科学和公众之间. 气候和环境问题可以 only be solved with improved policy and large-scale change, and this can only occur if policymakers and governments are held accountable. 反过来,有影响力的机构 will only be held accountable if people have the knowledge necessary to recognize the need for change and the shape change should take. 研究人员因 failing to tell their stories to people outside science, hindering the potential for important findings to be informative to laypeople and governments. 我希望用我的 background studying connectivity between small- and large-scale environmental processes to inform people about our changing planet and the many small ways in which we can 共同努力拯救它. I would like to use research to link scientific and non-scientific 社区团结起来实施变革. 改善环境可达性 and climate knowledge through science communication and facilitating the collaboration of scientific and non-scientific communities will introduce more opportunities for people outside of science to learn about what needs to be d一个 (and what they can do) to help maintain the natural environment and mitigate the negative effects of 气候变化."



M.S.W. 社会工作


“As a health worker in 一个 of San Francisco’s behavioral health clinics, I see the daily challenges of adults who struggle with severe mental illness, substance use, homelessness, poverty, and chronic health conditions. 这些人中有很多人 are members of oppressed communities, have also experienced a lot of trauma, stigma, 和歧视. In addition to being passionate about helping people overcome their challenges and live life to their fullest potential, I also strive to help people 感到被认可和重要. Having overcome many personal struggles which has led me to a career in social work, I value and appreciate peoples’ strengths and resilience 克服挑战. My goal is to provide 治疗 and case management and continue working in a community mental health setting so I can make a meaningful difference 在人们的生活中. As I work toward completing my Master’s in 社会工作, I look forward to learning more about how I can help people in greater capacities.”